Welcome to the Directorate of Studies 23 - Sociology!
The Directorate of Studies 23 is in charge of the degree programmes in Sociology, Science and Technology Studies, Nursing Science and Global Demography.
Sociology is offered at the University of Vienna by the Department of Sociology as a six-semester Bachelor's programme as well as a four-semester Master's programme. Students from other Bachelor's programmes may attend certain courses as part of an extension curricula. Courses associated with the above-named degree programmes are offered for the most part in German; therefore, please note that appropriate language skills are required for the study of sociology. For this reason, please note that further information concerning the curricula is available in German only.
Information about the degree programmes in Science and Technology Studies (Science-Technology-Society - offered in English), Global Demography (offered in English) and Nursing Science can be found in the univie web portal. Should you be interested in these study programmes, please contact the responsible institutes directly.